WMEC Thanked by Government Ministers

Welsh Government Ministers
Tue Aug 31 2021 11:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
We Make Events Cymru group thanked by Minister for Economy and Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip for support through the challenges presented by Coronavirus
Dear colleagues and partners,
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all you have done to support our sectors over the past 18 months.
The sectors you represent are vital to the Welsh economy and, as we approach the end of a very busy summer period and into the autumn, we wanted to thank you and remind you how much we appreciate the immense efforts you have made on behalf of your sectors to inform our thinking as we have worked through the challenges presented by Coronavirus.
The robust, but constructive, input you have given us from the outset and throughout this period has been of great value. This truly has been a Team Wales effort and you should be proud of how your work has been, and remains, essential in keeping Wales safe.
At the same time we would like to highlight that we remain in a crisis. You will all have heard of the cases rising across the UK and the potential this virus has to evolve and pose new threats. Despite the extremely positive steps that have been taken in recent months and the excellent progress made so far – through our vaccination programme in particular – we are anxious to emphasise that the path ahead will remain a challenging one. With the winter just ahead of us we wish for the positive engagement and dialogue with you to continue and we are extremely grateful for your continued cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Vaughan Gething AS/MS
Gweinidog yr Economy
Minister for Economy
Dawn Bowden AS/MS
Dirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon, a’r Prif Chwip
Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip